I was a Regular Pioneer and went to Pioneer School in 1987. I was always open minded about all their beliefs and found that I felt guilty because of this. I felt I wasn't doing the preaching work whole heartedly, but only doing it because I felt I should....that it was the good thing to do to get closer to Jovah. I was trying to associate with the "in" crowd.
I was an elders daughter, raised in the org., and basically my brothers and I were considered the good kids in the kingdom hall....hell, I never even got called into a meeting in the "back room" with any of the elders. So, I also felt the pressure of not letting my JW parents down. I truely understand the guilt and the pressure associated with remaining an active witness!
I fianally decided to take my life into my own hands when I divorced my abusive JW husband in 1998 and left the organization. I did it the "slow fade" way during and after the divorce. I was tired of not being allowed to be me and tired of having my own needs ignored. I am now much happier, guilt free, and feel I am a worthy person........and it's not based on how many doors I can knock on, but by the spirit that drives me and the true lady that I am.